Thursday, November 12, 2009

We serve an INCREDIBLE God!

Good morning, everyone!

No, I have not forgotten to update, Nathan has been in such a deep coma, the past week, there has not been much to update. He did VERY well in his surgery, the trachea is placed and when he wakes up completely out of his coma, he most likely will not be thrilled about that! He has become very responsive, as of last night. When James told him that he and I have been going up to see him everyday, Nathan opened his eyes and started crying. This is a great sign.
Nate is responding, slowly...and that is a miracle. Bethany was told on the night of the accident, to basically say goodbye to her son~ and today, Nate is waking from his coma, and responding in the correct manner. You cannot tell me that is not a miracle. You cannot tell me that God doesn't have a plan for Nathans life! James and I just cry and cry, knowing God has been in total control. It is so amazing to see and experience.
The Sunday morning of Nate's accident, James and I were heading to church. We saw Nate driving his VW bug, and it was FREEZING outside. At the stoplight, I rolled down my window and said "Natey, put your seat belt on and why do you have your windows down. Roll them up and turn your heat on." He laughed and wanted to race us up the on ramp, which...if you any of you know James and Nathan, we did indeed race. Any excuse for those two guys going fast, they take full advantage of it! We miss our friend, BUT we also believe Nathan will return after his rehabilitation time, better than ever!
Nate is SUCH a survivor and his journey so far, has CHANGED Our Lives. Just the fact that Nathan was hit by an SUV, thrown 30-50 feet and is STILL ALIVE~ GOD HAS A PLAN! We serve a MIGHTY GOD! If you don't know this, I pray with my whole heart you will one day come to know Him, intimately!
The doctors and Bethany call James and I, Nate's "chosen brother and sister." I laugh at this because Nathan hasn't ever had a sister, and to have me as his sister, well....maybe he should call my brother, Chad, for a few pointers! ha! We have always treated each other like brother and sister, and I am honored to call him my brother. we promised Nathan we would stand by him as he begins this journey ahead. No matter how hard that is, we will be his biggest fans. We know full well, he would do the same thing for us.
I hope all of you who do not know Nathan, will one day get to hear his story. I cant wait until he is awake enough to hear that hundreds and thousands of people across the Nation are praying for him! What an AMAZING thought. God is doing miracles in his life, and to be apart of HIS work...WOW!

As Nathan continues to wake from his coma, I will update you more frequently. Still no visitors, because of his bacterial infection. Once he is moved to the rehabilitation center in a few months, will be a good time to see him.
He is breaking odds and proving doctors wrong, everyday with his great improvement! He is showing fantastic signs of living a normal and FULL life! He is young, and his future is looking bright! God is good, we give HIM all the glory! We love you Nate, and continue to plead for a full recovery!

Psalm 62:8
"o, My people, trust in HIM at all times, pour your heart to Him, for God is our refuge."

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