Monday, November 2, 2009


Today. The doctors did not give out the best news. The Neurologist finds that Nathans brain has suffered from lack of oxygen. They have found some things on his CAT scans and MRI that are just not matching up. His ICP levels continue to roller-coaster, but Nathan is remaining stable. Please pray for him, the doctors are telling us this is just a waiting period. We have to keep going day by day. Nathan's grandma had to go back to Louisiana today. Bethany needs a strong support system, while Nathan continues to be in his coma. Bethany is trying to get all of Nathan's medical records from Montana and here in Denver, but is having difficulty because of Nathan's age. We are praying she is granted power of attorney over Nathan, as he is in his coma. The medical team needs to examine all of his past records.MRI's/CAT scans and compare them with last weeks accident. The things that are now showing up on the tests are just not making sense.
We are praying for wisdom for the medical team as well as for Bethany. Nathan is still fighting and we are VERY optimistic, even though the news we have received is not as positive as we would like. God is taking care of Nathan, we are praying God hands continue to heal and comfort Nathan.
Please continue to pray, this is a very critical time for Nathan. He is in desperate need of our prayers. Remember, God already knew about this accident. HE is in tomorrow. We love Nate, and will fight with him for as long as it takes! He is strong.

Psalm 27:14 "Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. yes, wait patiently for the Lord."

We are waiting on God to reveal Himself. and Show Himself in this time of need. Keep praying for Nathan. He needs our prayers.

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