Monday, November 23, 2009


Hello, everyone!

We hope you all were able to read Bethany's blog post(See Bethany's hope). Bethany really encouraged us to keep this blog going, and we are going to do so!

Our hearts intention for doing this blog is to allow people from all over, to continue to PRAY and receive updates on Nathan's recovery. It is our hope for Nathan to soon be able to read all of the posts, emails, and comments of your encouragement as he recovers! We are SO thankful for the out pour of your emails, phone calls, cards etc. It is so great to feel the love and encouragement from our friends near and far. Nathan is sure loved and it is our intentions for him to know full well, how supported he is! We are blessed to see God bringing people to Him, and lives being saved. Nathan is on his journey to recovery, and for that we are SO thankful!

We will share any new updates, as they come. Nathan is doing really well, and continues to wake from his coma. Although he is able to somewhat communicate, he is still not fully out of the coma. The greatest concern at this point, is for Nathan to be accepted into Craig Hospital! Please pray for all the paperwork (Bethany has been working on the HUGE pile, for a few weeks) to be accepted. Once Nathan is able to be removed from TICU, we are PRAYING he is able to be moved directly to Craig!

We have been able to talk and receive response from Nathan, which is great progress. He wanted to see Shayn (our daughter), which was so cool to hear AND also the fact that he remembered her name. He smiled when I told him that she was 6 months old now, and is sitting up. That is a great sign. We ask him each time we visit if he remembers little things, such as, his dogs or his snowmobile...his response's vary each day. Nathan has a very long road ahead, but we are SO hopeful and are praying for Gods BEST to be revealed, in and through his life.

We are excited to keep this blog up and going! God is doing GREATER things than we EVER imagined! We continue to give him all the glory!

W are thankful.

Love James and Kim

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bethany's Hope John 11:40

Hi Everyone,

Greetings from James and Kim's house to yours. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you so much for you continued care and concern for my son Nathan. Kim and I were hanging out with Shayn and they shared with me their intentions to shut down this blog. I felt compelled to encourage Kim and James to keep the blog alive. When I was completely overwhelmed by this tragic experience James and Kim rose to the occasion and began to set in motion the order that was necessary to reach out and communicate with Nathan's friends - all of you. I appreciate this more than you or they will ever know.

I want Kim and James to continue to share Nathan's story through their own eyes. I know when Nathan gets better he will be able to look at this blog and hear his story through the eyes of two people who have loved him unconditionally. In addition he will be able to see evidence of your care and concern as you interact on the blog with your own comments.

It is my understanding that some individuals are questioning why visitation has been restricted at this point in time. I will give you my explanation but first I will ask that you trust me and the medical team. If you are a parent yourself you will probably be able to understand where I am coming from - perhaps more so than if you have no children of your own. Nathan is an adult but he has no wife at this time in his life - so the role of medical proxy has fallen back on me because I am his biological mother. The Trauma Surgical Intensive Care Unit staff and I made the decision that it was in Nathan's best interest to limit visitation to immediate family and one or two very close friends.

If and when the decision is made to alter the visitation policy I promise you Kim and james will notify you. There will come a time when Nathan will need all the encouragement and support we can offer him.

For right now - the best way you can minister to Nathan is to pray for Nathan in a mighty way. If I may be so bold as to suggest that you pray that the Holy Spirit will minister to Nathan in his spirit that God loves him more than he can ever imagine. When Nathan was in middle school he prayed the prayer of salvation with a very Godly man named Pastor Dale. Like many of us Nathan has never fully surrendered his life to Christ. It has been my experience that surrendering my own life to Christ has been a process. Please touch and agree with me that this life tragedy will be used of God to draw ALL of us closer to Him with an ever deepening surrender of our lives and our wills to Jesus Christ.

Bethany F. D. Christensen

Thursday, November 12, 2009

We serve an INCREDIBLE God!

Good morning, everyone!

No, I have not forgotten to update, Nathan has been in such a deep coma, the past week, there has not been much to update. He did VERY well in his surgery, the trachea is placed and when he wakes up completely out of his coma, he most likely will not be thrilled about that! He has become very responsive, as of last night. When James told him that he and I have been going up to see him everyday, Nathan opened his eyes and started crying. This is a great sign.
Nate is responding, slowly...and that is a miracle. Bethany was told on the night of the accident, to basically say goodbye to her son~ and today, Nate is waking from his coma, and responding in the correct manner. You cannot tell me that is not a miracle. You cannot tell me that God doesn't have a plan for Nathans life! James and I just cry and cry, knowing God has been in total control. It is so amazing to see and experience.
The Sunday morning of Nate's accident, James and I were heading to church. We saw Nate driving his VW bug, and it was FREEZING outside. At the stoplight, I rolled down my window and said "Natey, put your seat belt on and why do you have your windows down. Roll them up and turn your heat on." He laughed and wanted to race us up the on ramp, which...if you any of you know James and Nathan, we did indeed race. Any excuse for those two guys going fast, they take full advantage of it! We miss our friend, BUT we also believe Nathan will return after his rehabilitation time, better than ever!
Nate is SUCH a survivor and his journey so far, has CHANGED Our Lives. Just the fact that Nathan was hit by an SUV, thrown 30-50 feet and is STILL ALIVE~ GOD HAS A PLAN! We serve a MIGHTY GOD! If you don't know this, I pray with my whole heart you will one day come to know Him, intimately!
The doctors and Bethany call James and I, Nate's "chosen brother and sister." I laugh at this because Nathan hasn't ever had a sister, and to have me as his sister, well....maybe he should call my brother, Chad, for a few pointers! ha! We have always treated each other like brother and sister, and I am honored to call him my brother. we promised Nathan we would stand by him as he begins this journey ahead. No matter how hard that is, we will be his biggest fans. We know full well, he would do the same thing for us.
I hope all of you who do not know Nathan, will one day get to hear his story. I cant wait until he is awake enough to hear that hundreds and thousands of people across the Nation are praying for him! What an AMAZING thought. God is doing miracles in his life, and to be apart of HIS work...WOW!

As Nathan continues to wake from his coma, I will update you more frequently. Still no visitors, because of his bacterial infection. Once he is moved to the rehabilitation center in a few months, will be a good time to see him.
He is breaking odds and proving doctors wrong, everyday with his great improvement! He is showing fantastic signs of living a normal and FULL life! He is young, and his future is looking bright! God is good, we give HIM all the glory! We love you Nate, and continue to plead for a full recovery!

Psalm 62:8
"o, My people, trust in HIM at all times, pour your heart to Him, for God is our refuge."

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday, November 9th

It has been a battle the past few days. The doctors tried to take Nathan off of Life-support, but it was too soon. The doctors sedated Nathan, and are doing surgery for a trachea. Each time I go and visit Nathan, he looks better and better. We are praying desperately that his brain injuries are VERY minimal. James and I are blessed to be able to pray over him. It is difficult to drive or walk by his house, without seeing him run over or wave to us. God knows. He is well aware of Nathans future, and for that we are rejoicing! While we wait for Nathan to come out of his sedation and be able to communicate with us, we are trusting in Gods provision over Nathans life! Nate is a fighter, and God is not done with him yet. We are faithfully praying a FULL recovery for Nate, and ask for an INCREDIBLE future for him!

James is getting all of his snowmobiles ready for the season. Nathan was working on his, before the accident. James is going to complete the work and let him know, next will be waiting for him! We truly believe Nathan WILL be riding next year.

Please pray for Nathan, as he is in surgery. This surgery will last about 2 hours and 45 minutes. As he began surgery, he was peaceful and stable. God is in control. we are trusting and resting in His MIGHTY plans for Nathan Dominique Dill Christiansen

Ephesians 1:18 "I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the wonderful future He has promised to those He called. I want you to realize what a rich and glorious inheritance He has given to His people."

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday, November 7th

Today was not the best day for Nathan. The doctors initially wanted to ween Nathan off of Life-support, but it is too soon. We are continuing to pray over Nathan and are VERY hopeful for his future. The doctors continue to be optimistic with their predictions of Nathans recovery process. They had to sedate Nate more today, after trying to remove his breathing tubes. The neurosurgeon reiterated to us that Nathans recovery and future, is going to take time. He needs a STRONG support team, and that is where our earnest prayers come in. God says that anytime two or more are gathered, there is He also. I believe that with my soul~James and I felt the presence of God with us when we were praying out loud, with Nathan. I wish I could explain to you all the way God appears when we pray. I am sure many of you know exactly what I am talking about. God is still in the miracle making business, silly as that sounds...Its true. We are experiencing it through our friends precious life.
God is chasing after Nathan, just as He chases each of our lives. HE IS ABLE!

Everyday when I get to go visit Nathan, God speaks to me. In the silence of just sitting, watching my 'brother' breath, God whispers "be still, and know I AM God." Psalm 46:10 Every time we weep after watching him struggle, I am reminded that God is our strength. Nathan is a fighter, and God is in total control. We just need to PRAY and SEEK Gods face, as we wait.

Be still....and KNOW...I AM, GOD! What a promise. What an incredible promise! Please continue to pray for Nathans injuries and future. He is alive, and for that, we are REJOICING! Thank you God. We love our friend, and will fight with him until the end.

Exodus 14:14 (New Living Translation)
The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”

This verse stood out to me. JUST STAY CALM! He is fighting this for Nathan. We are to rest, be still, let go, and allow God to be...GOD.

Nate, we love you. you are doing so well. We know your future holds great things, we will be here for you every step of the way.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday. November 6th

This morning, I was able to go and sit with Bethany as the Doctors examined Nathan. He is still very sedated, and was resting peacefully. Right now, we really need to pray for the brain injury, to be minimal. They are predicting that there is frontal lobe trauma.

He was able to connect with my voice, and he even responded to more nurses last night. These are all positive signs. We are cautiously optimistic and trying to be positive, not knowing Nathans injuries. They will not be able to know the extent of his injuries/future until Nathan is fully awake, and responding to every effort the Doctors are making with him.

Nathan is a fighter, we are praying over him at every opportunity that is given to us. They have stopped giving him ALL sedation medication, as of today. He will be more responsive within the next week. I will update you more after our evening visit with Nathan.

Please continue to cover Nathan in your prayers, prayer chains and church communities. We rest in the HOPE that only GOD gives. His word is the LAMP as Nathan wakes from this tragic accident!


Isaiah 55:8&9
"my thoughts are completely different than your thoughts;" says the Lord. And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts."

Thursday, November 5, 2009

An evening with Nate

Good Morning everyone!

James and I were able to go and stay with Nathan, late last night. He had just settled down, from struggling with his nurse. Most likely, Nathan does not know what is going on. You can imagine what he may be going through; waking up having tubes taped to your face, mouth, nose, wrists. He is strapped down (his wrists are tied down to the bed) because when patients wake up, they usually want to rip the tubes out of themselves. He most likely will have no idea where he is or what has happened to him. When we went into the room with Nate, he looked really peaceful. He is still on life support, but they are continually weening him off of it. I will tell you all that the nurse last night was very optimistic about Nathans future. We are unable to know the full extent of Nathans brain injury/damage until he is completely out of his coma. Again, this is a marathon not a sprint. The rehabilitation will be a lengthy journey for Nate, but we are praying that his injuries are minimal. God knows Nathans future, and as James and I were praying over him last night, I felt such peace. I came back and told Bethany last night, that I just feel God is going to do something incredible with Nathans story. James and I hate seeing our friend hurt and struggle, but as we told Nathan, we are not going anywhere. We know this is going to be a very long journey, but we are in it for as long as it takes.
Please pray that Nathan is able to get into Craig Hospital. Craig Hospital is one of the best, if not the best rehabilitation centers for brain and spinal injury patients, in America. James and I spoke to Tiffany (a nurse at Craig) last night, and she was able to give us some really good information. Please pray for God to open an opportunity for Nathan to one day enter Craig hospital. It is not an easy task and we are really praying he will be accepted to ONE DAY, when he is healed enough to enter Craig.

Also, please continue to lift up Bethany. Nathan is her only child, and she has no family here in Colorado. She has a strong group of friends, and support groups. As you can imagine it is very difficult for Bethany to leave Nathan and get good rest at night. Sleep is VERY important right now, she desperately needs to rest.

I will update you all after our visit later today. Trusting and hoping for Gods hand to continue to heal, restore and prepare Nathan for what is to come.

I was reading this verse this morning, and wanted to encourage you all with it. Please pray for Nathan as he wakes (this can take up to another week or so) to understand that he is going to be ok and is in a safe place. He seemed very scared yesterday afternoon, which is totally normal. But, as you can imagine, it is difficult to watch. God is in TOTAL control and we are trusting His perfect plan. He is faithful, and His mercies are new every morning! Thank you, God!

Micah 7:7&8
"As for me, I look to the Lord for His help. I wait CONFIDENTLY for God to save me, and My God WILL certainly hear me. Do not gloat over me, my enemies! For though I fall I will rise again. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord Himself will be my light."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

morning visit

Nathan's progress is much of the same. He is still very sedated, and his waking up progress will be very slow. The doctors are weening him off his breathing tube, this is also a slow process. Nathan looked really good this morning, better than he has look thus far. Although, watching him struggle to breath is extremely difficult to watch.
I want to share a personal story with you that happened this morning. Right when I got to the hospital, the respiratory therapist was in with him. After he was done examining Nate, I walked into the room and over to Nathans side. I leaned into his face, only inches away. I said " Nate, its Kimmie. I am here with you. Can you hear me? Open your eyes buddy, its Kimmie." Nathan OPENED HIS EYES, looked at me and began to cry. This was SO special to me. NATHAN KNEW I WAS THERE. He totally knew who I was, and that is a GREAT sign. He is acknowledging his own name, as well. God is so good, this is a HUGE sign, A BIG SIGN! Nathan also recognizes Bethany and James' voice, it was so special to connect with him...especially knowing, he is recognizing our voices. I told him I was there and James and I were visiting him everyday. Nathan opened his eyes, once more and began to cry. I told him he was going to be ok. That we were praying for him and that EVERYONE was praying!

James and I are going back up there tonight, I will update you all with anything new that happened today!

God is good. He is near!

We love you Nate

The journey begins...

Good Morning.

We found out that the driver whom hit Nathan (who was NOT at fault) as he was trying to cross the street, drove an SUV. For Nathan to be ALIVE and without ANY broken bones etc, is a miracle. I have been reading about Jesus' life in the bible this past week, and everywhere He was people were changed. I was telling Bethany, late last night, that I feel God is using Nathan to bring people to him. I also believe that God only gives us as much as we can handle. Nathans accident not take God by surprise. although it has been one of the most difficult things to see and experience just WATCHING Nathan struggle take a breath, I believe with everything I am that God has a special plan for Nathans life. Nathan has a strong heart, he is an INCREDIBLE giving friend, and I cant wait to remind him of that. I am about to go up to be with him and Bethany as the Neurosurgeon makes his rounds, and examines Nathan. They gave Nate an anti anxiety medication last night, as he is beginning to wake....he most likely, will want to take all of his tubes/IV etc. out...he probably will have no idea what is going on. KEEP PRAYING!

Yesterday, I was able to spend some really good time talking with Bethany, while Nathan started to 'come to.' Nathan has began to raise his right arm off the bed, he also has began to open and close his eyes. He is still VERY sedated and will probably have absolutely no idea where he is, once he wakes up. The Doctors have warned us of that. Nathans CAT scans and MRI's are reading as though there IS indeed an injury. There is also signs of oxygen deprivation, which leads us down a path of the unknown. We will not know the extent of Nathans injuries, until he is completely conscience and the medical team is able to do more tests. SOME GOOD NEWS: Nathan has responded to his name, meaning, When we call his name out, he will look in the direction of the voice calling. THIS IS GOOD NEWS! As of now, we are PRAYING the injuries are minimal, but EITHER WAY, Nathan is ALIVE and we are REJOICING in his life! Thank you, God! No matter what the future holds for Nathan, we have promised him we will support every step, hurdle, bad day, good come!
He will also spend his after treatment at Craig Hospital. This is also good news. Craig Hospital is an incredible rehabilitation center, and Nathan will get EXCELLENT care there. We have been told that most likely, Nathan will need to learn some of his cognitive skills all over again. Also, they are predicting some damage to his nervous system.

Ok. I need to leave to go see Nate and Bethany. I will update as soon as I get back. THANK YOU ALL FOR PRAYING...THESE NEXT 5-10 days are VERY critical for our prayers!!!

God is good. He is with Nathan. He is ABLE.

I hope this verse brings you encouragement.

Philippians 4:19
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus."

Monday, November 2, 2009


Today. The doctors did not give out the best news. The Neurologist finds that Nathans brain has suffered from lack of oxygen. They have found some things on his CAT scans and MRI that are just not matching up. His ICP levels continue to roller-coaster, but Nathan is remaining stable. Please pray for him, the doctors are telling us this is just a waiting period. We have to keep going day by day. Nathan's grandma had to go back to Louisiana today. Bethany needs a strong support system, while Nathan continues to be in his coma. Bethany is trying to get all of Nathan's medical records from Montana and here in Denver, but is having difficulty because of Nathan's age. We are praying she is granted power of attorney over Nathan, as he is in his coma. The medical team needs to examine all of his past records.MRI's/CAT scans and compare them with last weeks accident. The things that are now showing up on the tests are just not making sense.
We are praying for wisdom for the medical team as well as for Bethany. Nathan is still fighting and we are VERY optimistic, even though the news we have received is not as positive as we would like. God is taking care of Nathan, we are praying God hands continue to heal and comfort Nathan.
Please continue to pray, this is a very critical time for Nathan. He is in desperate need of our prayers. Remember, God already knew about this accident. HE is in tomorrow. We love Nate, and will fight with him for as long as it takes! He is strong.

Psalm 27:14 "Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. yes, wait patiently for the Lord."

We are waiting on God to reveal Himself. and Show Himself in this time of need. Keep praying for Nathan. He needs our prayers.

Monday, November 2, 2009

In church yesterday, my mind was just racing.
We spend so much time judging other people, that we miss out seeing "rawness"/ inmost being of the people around us. we are so worried about what people think, that we are seriously missing out on life~What it truly means to LIVE. I don't want to miss out anymore. I don't care what that looks like, or what the cost is. I know this journey is not easy, but it is worth every moment.
After church, I was telling James how God is just moving. I can see Him and feel Him. He and I have literally seen God in ways that we could never put into words. Seeing Nathan has been very difficult. Not knowing the future has been even more difficult, but God never seizes to amaze us with His presence. It is truly unexplainable.
Being around Bethany, has brought this all to light. Seeing her passion and commitment to God and Nathan, moves us to do the same. I know God takes our "MESS" and makes it something beautiful. I believe with every fiber in my body, that is EXACTLY what God is doing with Nathans life and I am confident He desires to do the same in ours.

Yesterday, I was able to visit with Bethany for over an hour. It was incredible to see the love and commitment she continues to have for Nathan. The love of a mother, is unexplainable. Please continue to pray for her. It is so difficult to see Nathan (especially being her son) in the state he is. They continue to keep him looking good, shaved/bathed etc. He really does look more and more like himself, each day.

Nathan had a really rough night, last night. He pulled through and remained stable, but this road is not smooth, yet. At this point, Nathan is progressing at the rate they have predicted. He will continue to 'come to' as the days progress. We really need to pray that Nathan remains stable. He is still on life-support, and will remain on it for as long as needed.

With a brain trauma patient things could go either way. We need to keep praying God protects Nathans brain, from any more trauma or possible damage.
Nathans Neurosurgeon examined his CAT SCANS and MRI, once again, and he HAS indeed detected some brain injury. They believe that Nathan suffered this injury back in 2003, when he had his car accident. The doctors predict that Nathans doctors overlooked the injury. This explains a lot to the doctors, but puts a bump in the road. As we all know, Doctors are NOT perfect. They make mistakes, but in this case there are many different neurologists investigating this new discovery. Although, this is NOT the news we were expecting, we are still hopeful. Nathan has lived over a week, when they told us he would not make it through the night. His ICP levels are up and down, but that is expected.
With this new discovery, we are asking you all to pray. Please continue praying for God to work and heal Nathans injuries. Also, please pray for Bethany, as this news was not what anyone wanted to receive.

As I spent sometime with Bethany yesterday, her faith was powerful. Remember, Nathan is her only son, and this is his second time on life support. I cannot imagine being a mother, being helpless in a time of such desperation. She is turning to God, and has a Faith that moves mountains. God is in total control, and we continue to rest in that!

We will keep you updated as far as Nathans consciousness level, and also with this new brain injury discovery.

Thank you for your support and prayers. They are felt and needed. I will update later, after our visit.

My hope this morning...

Psalm 37:5
"Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and He will help you."

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday. November 1 2009

Good morning.

We are still rejoicing in Nathans recovery process and healing that continues to occur in his body. As of this morning, Nathan is stable and remains on life-support. I don't want to lose focus that Nathan was hit by a car, and still has a long road ahead of him. God is a healer, and we have seen HIS hand in Nathans injury. What a mighty God we serve. I want to thank everyone for your earnest prayers. We believe God has heard and is responding. Remember, we are not out of the clear, yet.

To date Nate's CAT Scans and MRI show no brain damage! This is a miracle, only possible by God! The neurologist said yesterday that prior to placing him in the deepest drug induced coma possible - to protect his brain for the pressure that the monitors were registering - that based on the readings of these medical tests Nathan should of been sitting up, talking to us, and walking around. The neurologist wants to see Nate's medical records from his past accident to see if there might be any signs of damage to his Autonomic Nervous System that was not detected in the 2003 trauma. As I stated yesterday, they have stopped giving him the drug that induces coma. They anticipate he will be experiencing some level of consciousness by the end of the week. They will put a trachea in this throat and a feeding tube in his stomach early this week.The trauma surgeon is researching the possibility of going in and redoing the original surgery that repaired his throat from the 2003 accident. The goal would be to repair the epiglottis so it seals off 100% of the time verses 75% of the time as it does now. This would make things so much easier for Nathan. He will be able to swallow food so much easier than he currently does. Also, I think he will be most excited to breathe easier, especially in high elevations..aka. SNOWMOBILING! Most of you all know what a passion snowmobiling is for James. It is also a love of Nathan's life, as well. We are praying next year, he will be shredding the Rocky mountains, along with James, Mat and the rest of the crew!

The nurse cautioned yesterday that everything could take a turn for the worse in an instant during this process. He was encouraging to be cautiously optimistic. We are SO thankful for the AMAZING medical attention Nathan is receiving. We remain cautious and aware that things are not promised to us, but REJOICE because God is in control. He is holding Nathan, and we rest peacefully in that. Please continue to drench Nathan with your prayers, We are lifting him all throughout the day. Thank you for agreeing and joining us in this long fight and journey with Nate!

Natey, Jp and I miss you so much. You look great, and are the strongest fighter we know. We love you. keep fighting. we are praying for you...thousands are praying....for you!!! God has such a plan for you life.

Matthew 18:19 (the message)
Take this most seriously: A yes on earth is yes in heaven; a no on earth is no in heaven. What you say to one another is eternal. I mean this. When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I'll be there."